Thursday, November 16, 2006

I Say "Yes!"

As promised, I am posting the entire remarks by Donna Moore. Donna has been a huge inspiration to the entire group. I mentioned her in a previous post. She came to the program with a serious fear of public speaking. The fact that she volunteered to provide commencement remarks is a testament to her will to gain valuable experience from this program. Here are her remarks. I hope you find them to be as powerful and inspirational as I did!
"As we concluded our day of learning at LEAP, we were required to evaluate our day. Allow me to evaluate my success as it relates to the Leap Program. I must first know: What success is. Definition: Success is the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; or a successful performance or achievement. Questions to consider during my evaluation--- Did the Leap Program meet its 4 objectives?
  • Developed visionary leadership through practical hands-on experience and classroom training sessions;
  • Developed awareness of external/internal social and political influences impacting the library system, resulting in effective communication strategies for disseminating information;
  • Developed proactive strategies to address a shifting workplace environment; and
  • Gained an understanding of all overall operations of the library system and how each part works together to support the organization’s mission.
Allow me to briefly review.
I participated in small group activities and discussions
  • We were given a scenario--the goal was to come up with a solution.
  • I practiced writing a media release which was the introduction of e-audio books.
Objective #1 successfully completed
I discovered the world outside Memphis Public
Exploring other libraries (Buckman Labortories, SSCC, and St.Mary’s to name a few) and community service based organization ( MIFA,
ChurchHealthCenter, Bridges &
PeabodyMuseum) helped me in understanding the importance of their individual functions and how they deal with financial funding. Our group would return to MPL to discuss and to report our findings. Objective #2 successfully completed Our small group project has addressed our proactive strategies in a shifting workplace environment.Objective #3 successfully completedThe session “Follow the Book” taught me about each department as the book travels through the library. Our mentors provided the opportunity for us to see their department through their eyes. I’m sure each LEAP participant gained a greater respect and appreciation for the mentors, as I did. “Challenges throughout the System History/We’ve Come a Long Way Baby”, my personal favorite, was a session that I experienced a sense of awe in learning about the rich history of the library and its memories. It is my belief that if we know where we have come and what it took to get there we can better appreciate where we are today with a more sincere gratitude. Objective #4 successfully completed With objectives completed… Let me share a little about myself so you can understand and appreciate how far I have really come. You see, I learn with my heart, my eyes and my hands. With my heart I gained tremendous life experiences and knowledge of how to be a more effective leader. After taking my online assessment through Team Trek, my god given/ inner core strengths were given a name and a voice. Now what I did and how I did it made sense- We were taught to build upon what you do right. Laying the foundation to build and improve.LEAP opened my eyes and allowed me to see people and myself in a new light. I was blessed with the opportunity to share my LEAP experience with the 11 wonderful leap participants who I have come to admire and appreciate for their talents and leadership skills. So get ready for what is to come; we are--prepared, equipped with the proper information and ready to lead. I could not omit all those who contributed from the beginning to make this a successful program and wonderful environment to learn.I’ve received multitudes of hands-on experience that broadened my views and exposed me to a world of possibilities and opportunities. An unknown author quoted “The right man/ women in the right place at the right time doing the right thing in the right way.” This is how I view my 11 months with LEAP. I thank all who encouraged me to apply. Words can only begin to express how much I have gained through LEAP.Our first session taught me to step outside my comfort zone and into the zone of possibility. Conquer your False Expectations Appearing Real (FEAR).I end where I began to make the circle complete. Evaluating my success as it relates to LEAP. Did LEAP meet their objectives as it related to ME?I say “YES!!!”There is a famous quote that states “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure”What was my fear: “Public Speaking.”I thank you for this opportunity to LEAP; you have made me soar beyond my own expectations. "

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