Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Mea Culpa...And Here's What I'm Going to Do about It

There is an excellent theme running today among several posts I read. The theme is that there are many ways to formulate an apology, with many wrong ways and only a few right ways. The gist is that an apology must be complete. So, you must apologize, take responsibility for the wrongdoing, and ask how you can regain trust. This is great. It will go a long way toward rekindling communication and getting all parties back to the business at hand. Here are some other things to consider:

Make your apology and have a clearly defined resolution.
If I have committed the mistake, wrongdoing, grievance, oversight, etc., I must be prepared to address the concerns and have measures in place to offer my customer. For instance, if I've overcharged a customer, I need to be ready and able to offer recompense and some incentive to regain the loyalty of that customer--at the time that I'm offering the apology. My apology will not have the same impact if I must receive permission to offer a refund and a coupon for a free whatever.

If it is a more complex issue, such as a failure to meet a product delivery deadline due to unforseen technical issues, and some clear failures to communicate these issues, simple apologies and incentives are not enough. Make sure to have a clear outline of the steps you have taken to resolve the technical issues, communicate the timeline for completing the steps, and select a mutually agreed date for delivery. At this point, the only way to regain the trust of the customer is to keep the lines of communication open and, by all means, deliver a quality product on the selected date.

Be aware of your procedures when "making it right."
When it is your mistake, don't put procedures in place that burden the customer in order for them to receive the resolution they seek. For instance, I've purchased defective electronic items from a well known electronics retailer in the past. When I have returned those items, I have always been offered a refund or exchange. In every instance the Sales Associate has been pleasant and apologetic for the inconvenience I might have experienced. However, and here is what gets me every time, in order to receive a refund, I must give them quite a bit of identifying information. I then have to sign some form. I feel a little like they are doubting my integrity, even implying that I might be cheating them. And, it just takes longer to get my refund than it did to purchase the product originally. Should that be the case?

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